Arco’s proposal “Cabriolet” was chosen as the winner in a tough competition for the Autotalo extension in Kamppi, Helsinki.
Cabriolet is the northern gateway to Kamppi and a link in the surrounding urban fabric. The springy shape has a strong identity and sits naturally at the end of distant and close-up views. It will create a vibrant 2020s layer in the functional and visual complex of the Autotalo City block.
The competition entry retains the independent form of the four Autotalo towers through dynamic interaction with the arched shapes of Tennispalatsi and the future Health and Well-being Centre. The proposal complements the series of squares in Kamppi by Autotalo’s main entrances and activates the ground floor as a versatile part of Kamppi’s pedestrian centre.

Five cityscape principles:
1. Retains the independent form of the four Autotalo towers through dynamic interaction with the arched shapes of Tennispalatsi and the future Health and Well-being Centre.
2. Follows the eave height of Töölö and Eteläinen Rautatiekatu, fits with Autotalo’s podium and considers the facade line of the buildings on Eteläinen Rautatiekatu.
3. Enables the functioning of Autotalo’s towers and the long view lines while retaining the block’s diagonal views.
4. Creates a complete whole of the new building’s facade solutions together with Autotalo’s grid facades.
5. The proposal complements the series of squares in Kamppi by Autotalo’s main entrances and activates the ground floor as a versatile part of Kamppi’s pedestrian centre.